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"Nuisance", "incivility"... In Paris, the shops of Château-Rouge will also have to close after 8 p.m.

"Nuisance", "incivility"... In Paris, the shops of Château-Rouge will also have to close after 8 p.m.
By Anna Grosz

Published , updated

The police prefecture has chosen to impose restrictions on businesses in the Château-Rouge district, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

After Château d'Eau, it is the turn of the 18th arrondissement to be targeted by the Police Prefecture, which thus wishes to combat the "various incivilities" observed in this district.

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The Paris region authorities are strengthening their measures against nuisances. In a decree issued this Saturday, the police prefecture has chosen to impose restrictions on businesses in the Château-Rouge district, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. From February 22 to March 31, 2025, they are required to close between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. However, this measure does not apply to " drinking establishments, restaurants, hotels, pharmacies and cultural establishments regularly located within the perimeter,” the police prefecture specifies in a press release.

The authorities are thus targeting the nuisances around certain stores that are open late at night. "The late closing of certain businesses located on certain roads in the 18th arrondissement of Paris causes numerous public nuisances linked to the abusive occupation of public space, generating gatherings of people," explains the Police Prefecture. It also specifies that these problems particularly affect Place Château Rouge, Rue Christiani and a portion of Rue des Poissonniers. On these major roads in the district, the police have noticed "excessive alcohol consumption, the presence of drunk people, street vendors and the prevalence of prostitution ." They also note "various incivilities" coupled with the late closing of businesses, which degrade "the quality of life in the area of ​​Place du Château Rouge."

Similar restrictions have already been in place since December in the Château d'Eau district , in the 10th arrondissement of the capital. The police prefecture has chosen to extend these restrictions, following several reports from the 10th arrondissement police station indicating "a significant improvement" in the situation in the district, including "a visible reduction in noise pollution in the evening, gatherings of drunk people and aggressive behavior, street sales and the presence of fences, the consumption and sale of narcotics, as well as waste stored in public spaces." An observation that the residents of Château-Rouge hope to experience in turn.

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